Thought Response 09.23.23:

What’s your all-time favorite album? The Carpenters playlist is on play. Oldies, but goodies. I recalled the cassette tape of the Carpenters album I found neatly compiled beside the bookshelf one sunny afternoon. You know when you skip siesta naps, this 90’s curious girl who’s bored would sneak to the bookshelves at the chance of…

Thought Response 09.22.23:

Which topics would you like to be more informed about? Sparking topics. Pass on your information. I’ll be glad to come across loads of knowledge about some current interests. I’d be happy to read any article or write-up from you.     1.    The decline of traditional journalism in the age of digital media. …

Thought Response 09.21.23:

What would your life be like without music? Gray. It is the absence of one of the methods for exercising the brain. Since listening to music can reduce anxiety, blood pressure, and pain, as well as improve sleep quality, mood, and mental health, as the quote goes, β€œmusic can heal wounds that medicine cannot touch”β€”music…

Thought Response 09.19.23:

Share a lesson you wish you had learned earlier in life. Everyone has a story. Everyone has been through something that has changed them, so never judge a person by the chapter you walked into. Sometimes you will be the bad guy, and sometimes you will be the good guy. It happens. Life sucks; s**t…

Thought Response 09.17.23:

How often do you walk or run? Once every two days, for personal preference. Walking and running are cardio exercises that burn more calories than many alternatives. Always aim for that “afterburn effect” that helps calories burn significantly. Doing high-intensity running and sprints with shift speed repeats and intervals can contribute a lot to that….

Thought Response 09.15.23 ii:

Are you holding a grudge? About? Naw. You know, no matter how challenging and painful things are, they will all be in the past soon. It depends on you, whether you will just do nothing and have regrets about the past or make good memories that you want to remember later. You know, in life,…

Thought Response 09.15.23 i:

Do you see yourself as a leader? Certainly. One must be a listener and a communicator. One who makes difficult decisions with incorporated social justice should consider the situation, whether to take an aggressive or comfortable stand, and weigh the pros and cons through a mindfulness technique to get in tune: (1) to stop, (2)…

Thought Response 09.14.23:

What’s your favorite word? Kindness. Nothing goes wrong with kindness. It makes you feel whole and human. A driving power to whatever we do. It is free. Let us pass it forward, for in a world where we can be anything we want to be, being kind won’t cost us much. When given a choice…

Thought Response 09.13.23:

What personality trait in people raises a red flag with you? Cynical. That’s a red flag, indeed. Someone who always sees negative in everybody’s personality. Being overcritical through exaggerating the things that they labeled negative for them. A cynical person may assume that a good friend was only friendly for a good benefit.

Thought Response IX.13:

Let whoever think whatever.Fly solo and don’t look back.Stay where your presence is valued.Be real but never try to prove it.Be like sun and shine alone.Be happy with whatever you have.